LEGO. Technic. Augmented Reality!!!!!!


First of all:

Yes, it was as cool to work on as it seems. This toy is using some pretty sophisticated tech to make me go “Whoosh”, “Vrrooommm”, and squeal around corners like “eeeeeaaaackk”!

When we were briefed on this one, the client was asking for something safe but it felt like they were looking for something a little different at the same time. So we pitched them 3 versions of their ‘safe’ social vid, and then this wild card option. They fell in love with this! I’ve never seen Danes laugh so hard at 5am (I think it was closer to 4pm for them). The only thing holding our masterpiece back was a microbudget but we didn’t let that stop us. I was steaming outfit changes on set, buying just the right water bottle for the finale, and taping up windows to get the light right. This is the coolest thing I’ve done to date, I hope you agree.